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VEGAN 101: For Beginners and Vegan Curious Peeps

Vegan 101 for Beginners and Non-Vegans Alike!

Here are a few tips on how to get into healthy veganism!!

Possible Breakfasts:

1.) Intermittent Fasting: There are a lot of benefits to just having lemon water for breakfast and not eating until 11 AM or 12 PM. I do this daily. Ever since I turned 34 years old I noticed I just do not need to eat as much food. Eating a lot just makes me gain weight and become depressed. So I now have a liter of lemon water for breakfast every morning!

2.) If water is just not enough in the morning then consider my DOPE ASS SMOOTHIE: In a refurbished vitmix blender (link below):

a. Fill with baby spinach or you choice of greens!

b. Add in about 1.5 cups of your favorite Bolthouse Farms smoothie drink (link below)

c. BLEND that down so you can add more goodness

d. Add in 2 tablespoons of flax and chia seeds or ground flax and chia.

e. Add in 2 or more tablespoons of your favorite green powder (link below)

f. Add in about 1/4 cup of cherry concentrate (link below)

g. add in your favorite frozen fruit and berries, either buy frozen or buy fresh and freeze yourself

h. add in your favorite fresh fruit

i. Add in another cup or more of your Bolthouse Farms base


k. TASTE TO SEE IF IT’S TO YOUR LIKING (important step!)

l. If it’s still too bitter add in a 2-3 tablespoons of raw agave nectar (link below)

m. Tweak the recipe, blend and taste until you LOVE your smoothie

n. Store in a glass or metal container and drink when hungry!

2.a) LINKS: You’ll want a vitamix blender because the banana ice cream recipe needs a serious blender! And because it can put up with a lot of food! Here’s the link to one:

2.b) List of Bolthouse Farms Smoothie base drinks (these are found at Sprout’s Farmer’s Market, and they are cheaper than Naked Juices):

2.d) Flax and chia are sold separately at Sprouts or on

2.f) Cherry concentrate covers up the bitter flavor from all the greens and the cherry concentrate from Lakewood is the best, it’s at Sprouts and on Amazon:

2.l) Raw agave can give a smoothie that punch to be extra delicious! It’s at Sprouts, Stater Bros, or Amazon:

3.) If you’re not feeling a smoothie try oatmeal for breakfast: Make your favorite oatmeal (mine is apple cinnamon), and top it off with your favorite fruits, chia seeds, and a lil agave (okay, I admit it, I LOVE AGAVE!) 4. FRUIT & CREAM Sauce, here’s a recipe that is sooo amazing (but I add honey and agave as my sweetener, and I add more than miss Cara does):

LUNCH: 1. As noted before, I typically have lemon water until 12 PM, so MY LUNCH is usually the DOPE ASS SMOOTHIE listed above, so if you go this rout just save your smoothie in a refrigerator until lunch time.

2. Another option is to have a great big salad with a vegan dressing, here’s my favorite vegan dressing (refrigerated section of Stater Bros or other grocery stores):

3. FRUIT & CREAM Sauce, YES, here is that same recipe again! It works as breakfast or lunch because it’s that amazing (I add honey and agave as my sweetener):

4.) ANY TIME BANANA NICE CREAM: Did you know that frozen bananas process down into the exact same texture as ice cream? No fat, no milk, you can literally eat it all day and LOSE weight!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 1: Let some organic banana get VERY ripe out on the counter.

Step 2: Peel them, cut them up into quarters (4 pieces each), put them in a tupperware and put them in the freezer for at least 12 hours.

Step 3: Put about 3-4 cups of the frozen pieces into a vitamix blender and add a dash of CINNAMON (or Pumpkin Spice), 1/2 cup of Vanilla almond milk.

Step 4: BLEAN & BEAT that up until it's ice cream, add more almond milk if you like it thinner.

D I N N E R ! ! ! ! !

If you’ve been good all day, dinner is the most important meal…! Try to keep it vegan. Vegan whole foods are not only better for you nutritionally speaking, but they are also faster digesting foods, so you don’t end up with a steak in your gut for a week! The vegan cheese is usually the hardest thing to get used to but try it out! 💜 Here are some DINNER ideas:

2. Here is a playlist of over 100 vegan recipes including Mushroom Stroganoff, Green Bean Casserole, Fettuccini Alfredo, In-N-Out french fries, Chili & Corn Bread, and more!

3. If you want dinners a bit more on the lighter side there’s something called Vegan SOS FREE where the recipes have no added salt, oil, or sugar. Here’s a playlist for that:

And that’s it for now, I hope this helps your journey into the weird world of veganism!

TAKE very good care of yourself, fore without our health we have absolutely nothing.

luv, coley


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